Introducing San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport

On May 9th, 2024, the Oakland Board of Port Commissioners unanimously voted to modify OAK’s official name to San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport. 
It’s OAK, it’s where we all belong.

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About San Francisco Bay Oakland Interational Airport

Oakland International is the main airport for the greater East Bay, the most populated area in the metropolitan San Francisco Bay area. It is the closest airport to most Bay Area employers. By roadway and BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) air-rail, OAK enables excellent access to all the region’s business, entertainment, and tourism venues. The vision of San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport is to be the airport of choice for San Francisco Bay Area residents and visitors alike. OAK is operated by the Port of Oakland, which also oversees the Oakland seaport and 20 miles of East Bay waterfront. Together with its business partners, the Port supports more than 98,000 jobs in the region with more than a $174 billion economic impact. 

Updates about current departure and arrival information, airport maps, and details about on-airport parking, shopping and dining and more, can be found at Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.