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Public Transportation
BART Trains at OAK
Take BART to avoid sitting in Bay Area traffic. BART trains connect OAK with downtown San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley and many other Bay Area destinations.
During most hours, trains depart every 6 minutes from OAK.

Service Hours and Frequency
- Weekdays
5am – 11pm:
Every 6 minutes -
11 pm – Midnight:
Every 20 minutes
- Saturdays
6am – 11pm:
Every 6 minutes -
11 pm – Midnight:
Every 20 minutes
- Sundays
8am – 11pm:
Every 6 minutes -
11 pm – Midnight:
Every 20 minutes

For Amtrak schedules and information, call 1-800-USA-RAIL (1-800-872-7245) or your local travel agent.
From Oakland – Jack London Square station:
- The Capitols
- San Jose to Sacramento
12 times daily
- The Coast Starlight
- Los Angeles to Seattle
- Daily
- The California Zephyr
- Oakland to Chicago, including Reno
- Daily
AC Transit
Line 73 connects OAK with the Coliseum/Oakland Airport BART station every 15 minutes between 4:56 a.m. and 12:06 a.m. Line 21 operates between Oakland Fruitvale and Alameda. Line 805 is the late-night service that connects OAK with the Coliseum/Oakland Airport BART station and downtown Oakland every hour between 12:35 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. For a complete Line 805 schedule, click here.

Transit Information
Get Information on trip planning, route maps, and rates and schedules of Bay Area transit companies.