Authorized Signer Information

Being an Authorized Signer is a privilege that comes with responsibility. Authorized Signers are responsible for all badges and persons sponsored or escorted by them or their company/agency.

The primary role of an Authorized Signer is to understand and enforce the Oakland Airport Rules and Regulations, and ensure that their sponsored badge holders also understand and comply. Authorized Signers are the primary contact for all badging related activities. To ensure a smooth and efficient badging experience, Authorized Signers should comply with the following requirements prior to sending applicant to the badging office. Failure to properly prepare your applicant could result in delays. Repeated failures could result in the loss of Authorized Signer authority.

Persons with incomplete applications or without two forms of identification (ID) will not be permitted to fingerprint or take required training courses and will not be issued a badge.


To ensure all badge holders are up to date with current airport security and badging rules and regulations, please review the following:

  1. Applicant(s) must have appropriate identification (ID) to enable ID Badging Office Personnel to issue badges. This means having two forms of unexpired IDs with identical spelling of names and name placement. For a list of acceptable documents please review the OAK I-9 form.
  2. Correctly request and identify appropriate levels of clearance and any endorsements, where required on the application(s). For example, ramp driving privileges will not be extended to an applicant unless the application correctly requests that privilege.
  3. Maintain your own records of individuals who have received a badge sponsored by your company or agency. The ID Badging Office may audit these records at any time.
  4. Immediately report lost or stolen badges and keys to Airport Operations at (510) 563-3361 or update it in IDMS (Badging Office will receive a notification).
  5. Immediately return badges to the OAK ID Badging Office, for individuals who no longer require airport access. Returned badges may be dropped off in the drop box near the computer training room of the ID Badging Office or mailed to the address located on the back of the badge.
  6. All persons and objects are subject to a security screening prior to and/or after entering the Sterile Area, Secured Area, or SIDA.
  7. When Working at South Field, employees are allowed to bring 2 personal bags (no larger than 8”x12”x21” or 2,016 cubic inches). Medically necessary items and items for official business purposes are excluded from this limitation.